Some examples of the skills or techniques the students will be graded on and the different levels of ability that you should be looking for. This will give you some guidelines on how to access the various skills
Total station.
- Novice: The student is able to operate the total station in terms of taking and logging readings and holding the survey staff.
Competent: The student should be able to set up the instrument and create or edit data in the internal memory with some assistance from a member of staff.
Proficient: The student is able to set the instrument up (including setting up or editing jobs in internal memory), take and log measurements and set up new stations without any assistance and at least attempt to deal with any unexpected problems that arise. They should also be able to demonstrate the use of the instrument to other students.
- With a training session on a ‘one to one’ or ‘one to two’ trainees basis, you ca begin with an explanation of the basics and principals, relating to why you are doing this, what is important about location and knowing your position within 3 dimensions. Discuss and assess if they are understanding.
- Set the machine up and position it over a fixed point. Allow the trainees to set up the machine and take it down again.
Stratigraphic excavation.
- Novice: The student can excavate to predetermined levels/depths and recognise new contexts but requires supervision.
- Competent: The student can excavate down to changes in context without truncating the underlying deposits or over-cutting the feature but requires assistance.
- Proficient: The student can excavate deposits in their correct stratigraphic sequence, identifying changes in context and provide assistance to other students working around them.
Context recording.
- Novice: Each section of the context record requires reference to the manual and close supervision is required to ensure accuracy and clarity.
- Competent: Is able to fill in most sections with some reference to the manual but for specific elements will require advice or supervision to complete the record and may be able to produce a description and interpretation
- Proficient : Is able to fill in a context record sheet with minimal reference to the manual and cross references between other proforma record sheets and context records. Creates a descriptive interpretation that provides an accurate record of the process of excavation including mistakes and doubts.