Sample Questions for Trainers

Posted in Training
Sample Questions for Trainers

 Core Skills – Secondary Skills – Tertiary Skills A downloadable pdf is available by clicking: Trainer Questions PDF Sign off with the following: Handtools (Trowel etc) Why do you use different tools? Watch them use these tools and correct them during training. Is there improvement? Handtools (Spade, Mattock etc) Why do you use different tools? […]

Transferable skills

Transferable skills The final set of assessment relates to transferable skills and may be harder to quantify objectively, but should rather be reviewed as subjective comments to the individual.  These include interpersonal skills, group working, public communication etc.    Rather than comment on these directly within the passport, it is useful to note them and provide […]

Guidelines for Assessors using the Skills Passport.

Posted in Training
Guidelines for Assessors using the Skills Passport.

The Archaeological Skills Passport is a means of documenting the practical training that students and volunteers receive either during the course of an undergraduate degree or any archaeological fieldwork or project that they may be involved in. The passport contains a list of the practical skills and techniques that will be of benefit for those […]